Saturday, June 19, 2010

sql server: "User, group, or role XXXX already exists in the current database." even after deleting user and recreating

A database user existed without an associated sql server login.
WebSphere wants login to match the schema name (up to now it seems okay...)

  • tried to create a user with this login -- failed because 'user or role' already exists. or principal, I forget the error.
  • delete that login. fail because its the owner of a schema.
  • edit that schema, assign ownership to another user
  • create login. failed because of user mapping, with a message similar to above.
  • but it was actually created! I saw it later after trying to see if I could find any reference to the user.
  • try to modify the user mapping again. okay for the default schema/database, and I could login okay, but trying to assign the user mapping for database 'master' failed, and I think those SqlJDBCXAUser role settings are necessary.
So I searched google for "User, group, or role" "already exists in the current database." "user mapping" master, and found the following:

SQL Server Tip - Fixing Orphaned Users and ran the following as sa:

sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'UserName'
where UserName is the name of your user.
The row for user 'customizationusr' will be fixed by updating its login link to a login already in existence.
The number of orphaned users fixed by updating users was 1.
The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was 0.
checked the login to see if I could make the master mapping... It was already there!
Success. am i certified ms sqlserver dba now?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Exception: WUPD0248E: Fix pack update failure: The processing of fix pack WP_PTF_6104, component wp.ptf.config failed.

IBM says:

    Completed processing extractor command line arguments.
    Performing extraction.

    Failed to perform extraction.
    Exception: WUPD0248E: Fix pack update failure: The processing of fix pack WP_PTF_6101, component wp.ptf.config failed.

The fixpack installation was performed utilizing a non-root user. Reviewing permissions on the directory structures for the /tmp file indicated the non-root user did not have write permissions on that directory. Therefore, the extraction of the updated .jar files to the /tmp directory failed.

Any supported UNIX® or Linux™ operating system may be affected.
NOTE: Microsoft Windows operating systems should not be affected by this error message as the user ID used for Portal on Windows must be a member of the Administrators Group per the Portal 6.1 Information Center.
But, it happened to me on Windows.. the message in another log file was slightly different--it was making some changes of which it said it couldn't write to. Odd, because I owned that directory, and am admin, and that's the only file I changed.. from a remote machine. Yes, it's usually more convenient to do something on a non-windows machine where you have real tools to work with. I am logged over the network as the same user, or should be, so why does writing over the next change it?

dir /Q will show owners..

C:\wps\WebSphere\wp_profile\ConfigEngine\properties>dir /q
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 3108-D2F9

Directory of C:\wps\WebSphere\wp_profile\ConfigEngine\properties

11/04/2009 11:32 AM 2,729 BUILTIN\Administrators
11/04/2009 11:32 AM 1,381 BUILTIN\Administrators
06/14/2010 12:50 PM 87,670 ... test
06/14/2010 02:32 PM 87,670 BUILTIN\Administrators
05/12/2010 11:48 AM 87,566 BUILTIN\Administrators

Whatever '...' is, the administrator can't write to it.
Guess it's not surprising anymore when microsoft does things wrong.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Awareness works sometimes in Sametime, or for certain people, or I don't see myself as online

Probably a case issue...

Upper/Lower case discrepancies in DN cause problems with Awareness in Common PIM and Domino portlets

Question You are using one or more of the Lotus® Domino® and Extended Products Portlets or Common PIM Portlets with IBM® WebSphere® Portal. You initially have trouble with Awareness working in the portlet(s), but after you follow the troubleshooting script, "Troubleshooting Sametime Awareness in WebSphere Portal" (#1163790), the STLinks applet loads correctly in your browser.
However, you then notice that either no Awareness functionality ever appears in your browser, or if your name appears multiple times on a page, some will show Awareness (for example, green icon to symbolize a person is logged into Sametime and available, etc.) while others do not.
.. though in addition to the stlink.js change listed there, the one I was sent also has this:
< //fix for PMR 73450,SGC,724 -- stcl portlet fails to load mixed case awareness.
< if(!STlinksCaseSensitive) {
< linkId = linkId.toLowerCase();
< }
now why didn't they put that there?

Generally their support is okay (at least after you get off the web and get someone on the phone).. is this to require maintenance ?

.... okay, I thought that fixed it.
I swear I saw it work.
But I am still seeing issues.

Will update later....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

possible copyright infringement involving your Verizon Online account.

Valued Verizon Customer,

We have received a notification from a copyright owner of possible copyright infringement involving your Verizon Online account.


View details regarding this notification.

Thank You for choosing Verizon Online.

There are no details though, the system can never" access them at this time".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

iTunes: The Disc Burner is Busy

it was burning me up.

I didn't get the pop-up "this disc is blank; what do you want to do?"
and running to check disc info I just got 'no disc'.

Someone said Parallels could prevent iTunes from getting access to the burner;
I was running VMware Fusion, and one of my vm's was connected to the cd.

Disconnected it and I could burn again...:

The Big Gundown : John Zorn plays the music of Ennio Morricone.
Probably one of the best Morricone albums out there.