Friday, September 11, 2009

possible topics I

stuff i know, or want to learn, but might write about in some capacity:

  • data annotation
  • java: spring
  • process migration
  • complex event processing
  • spreading activation network
  • software estimation
  • cloud topics
  • augmented reality platform
  • open video
  • RDF / RDFa, dublin core, OWL, protege, topic maps, hyTime
  • rewriting proxies, debugging proxies
  • GIS, ArcGIS, ArcSDE with Oracle, flash interface
  • spatial data infrastructure
  • ajax, xmlHttpRequest, json
  • ALM - application life-cycle management
  • uml, model-driven development
  • IOC, dependency injection, guice
  • infosec, security patterns
  • CMMI level-2
  • reputation and recommender engines / systems, trust networks
  • WebEOC, board building and communication to other systems
  • NIMS resource definitions, resource database, iBatis
  • websphere portal development
  • java application servers, servlet development, enterprise applications, web services,
  • SOA: some overhyped acronym
  • datamodels, database engineering, reverse engineering, roundtrip
  • tomcat, axis2, pojo
  • situational awareness
  • edxl
  • knowledge management
  • victim tracking, patient tracking systems
  • sbeocs - strategic bio-defense emergency operations and communications system, preplink
  • the symbol grounding problem
  • nims resource typing
  • revision control, configuration management, RCS, CVS, VSS, SVN
  • bespin, code in the cloud
  • semantic web
  • using synergy2 (aka synergy) to share mouse and keyboard, via software
these items came to mind while cleaning my desk and going through some old notes.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How to play SWF files

This is so simple I don't even know why I was asked... google: how to play swf file

Just double-click and view it in your browser
(you may need to choose the program to use).
Or drag the swf file over and drop it on your browser icon (Chrome, Firefox, Safari.. even IE).

On windows, you can find some files in

Where are some example .swf files on a mac?

The google search link above will give you more ways.
Hit #4 comes from Adobe, so is the 'official' answer, but there are a number of third-party utilities out there that may make playing more convenient.. or save videos to disk, etc.

In many cases, you can't just save a swf file from a website because they may have supplementary files, or allowing playing or website connected only when the swf comes from the website.