stuff i know, or want to learn, but might write about in some capacity:
- data annotation
- java: spring
- process migration
- complex event processing
- spreading activation network
- software estimation
- cloud topics
- augmented reality platform
- open video
- RDF / RDFa, dublin core, OWL, protege, topic maps, hyTime
- rewriting proxies, debugging proxies
- GIS, ArcGIS, ArcSDE with Oracle, flash interface
- spatial data infrastructure
- ajax, xmlHttpRequest, json
- ALM - application life-cycle management
- uml, model-driven development
- IOC, dependency injection, guice
- infosec, security patterns
- CMMI level-2
- reputation and recommender engines / systems, trust networks
- WebEOC, board building and communication to other systems
- NIMS resource definitions, resource database, iBatis
- websphere portal development
- java application servers, servlet development, enterprise applications, web services,
- SOA: some overhyped acronym
- datamodels, database engineering, reverse engineering, roundtrip
- tomcat, axis2, pojo
- situational awareness
- edxl
- knowledge management
- victim tracking, patient tracking systems
- sbeocs - strategic bio-defense emergency operations and communications system, preplink
- the symbol grounding problem
- nims resource typing
- revision control, configuration management, RCS, CVS, VSS, SVN
- bespin, code in the cloud
- semantic web
- using synergy2 (aka synergy) to share mouse and keyboard, via software
these items came to mind while cleaning my desk and going through some old notes.
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